Imam Bukhari is a well known collector of genuine hadith of Prophet Muhammad (S) and this book contains a compilation of stories from the hadith collected by him. Be inspired by the noble characteristics of Prophet Muhammad (S) ! Each story is full of lessons, wisdowms and excellent moral values for the children to learn and practice. Hopefully it will nurture the children to be religious servants of Allah.Imam Bukhari is a well known collector of genuine hadith of Prophet Muhammad (S) and this book contains a compilation of stories from the hadith collected by him. Be inspired by the noble characteristics of Prophet Muhammad (S) ! Each story is full of lessons, wisdowms and excellent moral values for the children to learn and practice. Hopefully it will nurture the children to be religious servants of Allah.
Publisher: Edukid Distributors Sdn Bhd
Type: Mythology/Religious Books
Age: 6-12 Years
Language: English
Number of Pages: 380 Pages
Author: Moulvi Al-Hafiz S. A
Size: L 35.0 x B 35.0 x H 40.0 cm