He ﷺ was not divine, nor immune to the stress and hardships we all face. He was, however, divinely inspired to lead a mandate of reform and righteousness within the self that begins with submission to the Omnipotent, Al-Mighty Allah, and extends outwardly to the betterment of all.
This was those who read had to say about this book:
At first i was quite hesitant to buy the book as i couldn’t find any review about it. But having known about his other 2 great books, i proceeded anyway. Well, I’m glad I did! There’re so many wisdoms we can learn from, & Insha Allah it’ll help to increase our faith as we appreciate the sacrifices made by our prophet so that we the Ummah could reap the benefit ❤️.
A good compilation of sad moments in the life & times of Prophet Muhammad SAW. These are some significant events that have been trials upon our beloved Prophet SAW.