A complete Translation of the classical text Al-Shamā’il al-Muhammadiyyah
Imaam Muhammad Ibn’Isā Al-Tirmidhi (d.297H) | With accompanying Biography of the Prophet by Imam Al-Nawawi (d.676H)
If we truly love Allah, the Most High, it is incumbent that we obey his chosen Messenger, the best of Mankind and the seal of all Prophets. Allah, the Most High instructs him to inform the people: “Say, “If you love Allah, then follow me, Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. And Allah is Most Forgiving and Merciful.” Ali Imran 3:31. Read more below…
A complete Translation of the classical text Al-Shamā’il al-Muhammadiyyah
Imaam Muhammad Ibn’Isā Al-Tirmidhi (d.297H) | With accompanying Biography of the Prophet by Imam Al-Nawawi (d.676H)
If we truly love Allah, the Most High, it is incumbent that we obey his chosen Messenger, the best of Mankind and the seal of all Prophets. Allah, the Most High instructs him to inform the people: “Say, “If you love Allah, then follow me, Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. And Allah is Most Forgiving and Merciful.” Aali-Imran 3:31
The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessing be upon him) said; “None of you will truly believe until I am more beloved to him than his family, his wealth and all of mankind.” Muslim 67
This precious work, penned by the famous scholar Imam at-Tirmidhi, in which he collected hadith relating to the Messenger (peace and blessing be upon him). This landmark work shines light on the beauty of the Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him). It describes his noble appearance, persona and attributes. You will come to know the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessing be upon him) through the lens of his exalted companions. They were nurtured by him and spent their lives emulating him. He was their role model and an excellent example for all those who came after them.
Knowing the final Messenger (peace and blessing be upon him) is a requirement for every seeker of truth. This book is a must for every Muslim household, a text that should be studied in every school and madrassa.